Dating Apps For Single Parents

  • Fruzo – Best for individuals who are looking for a unique and interactive dating experience, combining video chat and social networking features in one platform.
  • Growlr – Best for individuals who are part of the LGBTQ+ community and specifically interested in connecting with bears, cubs, and other gay men with a more rugged or burly appearance.
  • JoyClub – Best for individuals who are seeking a vibrant and open-minded community to connect with like-minded people for exciting dating experiences.
  • Hornet – Best for individuals who are seeking meaningful connections and authentic relationships in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Victoria Milan – Best for individuals seeking discreet and passionate connections outside of their current relationships, Victoria Milan offers a perfect platform to explore their desires.

For those intrigued by dating apps for single parents, the possibilities are endless with numerous other remarkable options available. If you’re looking for even more alternatives, here are a few worth exploring:

  • AnastasiaDate
  • Squirt
  • FuckBook
  • Feeld
  • Gleeden

List Of Best Dating Apps For Single Parents


Fruzo, what a game-changer in the world of online dating! This funky app takes dating to another level. With its snazzy video chat feature, you can see potential matches live and in action – no more blurry selfies or deceiving filters! Plus, Fruzo lets you connect with folks from all over the globe, making it perfect for the adventurous types out there. It’s like speed dating on steroids!

And let me tell ya, the best part? It’s not just about romance; you can also make new friends through this nifty platform. So why settle for boring old swiping when you can Fruzo your way into love or friendship? Give it a whirl, my friend!

Dating Apps For Single Parents


Growlr is a paw-some dating app that caters specifically to the bear community. It’s like entering a den full of burly, bearded fellas who are ready to rumble in the love jungle. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive features, Growlr allows you to prowl for potential matches based on location, interests, and even kinks – they’ve got it all covered!

The app lets you connect with these hunky bears through chat, photos, and videos, making sure you don’t miss out on any growling action. So, if you’re a fan of big, cuddly men with brawn and brains, hop on Growlr and let the bear hugs commence!

Dating Apps For Single Parents


JoyClub is the real deal, folks! This dating platform, whether it’s a site or an app, has got some serious game. With its enticing features and user-friendly interface, it’s like a breath of fresh air in the online dating scene. You can browse through profiles, chat with potential matches, and even join fascinating events to spice things up. The best part? JoyClub knows how to keep things discreet for those seeking a little extra excitement. So if you’re looking for some thrills and spills in your love life, give JoyClub a whirl – you won’t be disappointed!

Dating Apps For Single Parents


Hornet, the buzzworthy dating app, is a standout in the online dating swarm. With its slick interface and user-friendly design, this platform is a hive of activity for gay men looking to connect. One of Hornet’s key features is its powerful search filters, allowing you to pinpoint your ideal match with ease. Plus, it boasts a vibrant community where you can join groups, participate in discussions, and share your interests.

But what sets Hornet apart from the rest? Well, it’s the nifty “Explore” feature that lets you discover guys around you, making it perfect for those spontaneous meetups. So, why not give Hornet a fly and see where it takes you?

Dating Apps For Single Parents

Victoria Milan

Victoria Milan is a fiery dating app that ignites passion and discreet encounters for those seeking some extramarital excitement. With its innovative features, this platform aims to keep your naughty escapades on the down-low. From sexy icebreakers to private photo albums, Victoria Milan ensures a thrilling experience for users.

Its “Panic Button” lets you swiftly switch to a neutral website if your partner walks in unexpectedly – talk about dodging a bullet! Plus, their advanced search options make it a breeze to find someone who ticks all your boxes. So, if you’re looking to add some spice to your love life without getting caught, Victoria Milan might just be your secret weapon.

Dating Apps For Single Parents

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Alright, folks, let’s dive right into the treacherous world of dating apps for single parents. Now I get it, choosing just one can seem as daunting as trying to find a needle in a haystack while blindfolded. But fear not! Your friendly neighborhood dating guru is here to guide you through this digital maze with some wit and wisdom.

First things first: know thyself. Take a moment to reflect on what you’re looking for in a partner (besides someone who won’t run away when they hear the word "children"). Are you after casual flings or serious relationships? Do you want someone who shares your love for 3 am diaper changes or someone who simply understands that kids exist?

Once you’ve got that figured out, it’s time to play matchmaker with yourself and these apps. Start by checking out their user base – are there enough single parents prowling around or will you end up feeling like a fish out of water?

You don’t wanna be lamenting about how hard it is being alone amongst couples like an extra wheel on a unicycle!

Next up: safety features. As any responsible parent would do before letting their kid cross the street alone, make sure the app has measures in place to keep creeps at bay. Look for options that verify profiles or allow users to report suspicious activity faster than superman changing clothes.

Ah yes, cost – everyone loves talking about money almost as much as swiping left or right on potential soulmates! Some apps offer free sign-ups but charge an arm and leg if you actually want access to useful features (cough hidden fees cough). So think carefully before committing because nobody likes discovering unexpected expenses hiding behind Cupid’s arrow!

Now we come to aesthetics – because let’s face it, good looks matter even when browsing online profiles! Find an app whose interface doesn’t resemble something from ancient times when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

You want an app that’s as sleek and user-friendly as a sports car, not one that feels like navigating through sludge with your hands tied behind your back!

Last but certainly not least, read those reviews! Don’t be fooled by fancy marketing jargon or promises of finding true love faster than you can say "happily ever after." Listen to the people who’ve been there, done that – they’re like the wise old owls perched on branches of experience. Their insights will guide you better than any compass when choosing which path to take in this dating jungle.

So my single-parent amigos, armed with these tips and tricks, go forth into the digital realm of dating apps for single parents! Remember: it’s all about knowing yourself, keeping safe from wolves in sheep’s clothing (or worse!), counting your pennies wisely, appreciating good looks (in apps), and listening to those who’ve gone before you.

May your hearts find what they seek amidst pixels and profiles!

Who Uses Dating Apps For Single Parents?

Alright, listen up, lovebirds! Let me spill the beans about who’s really diving into those dating apps for single parents. Picture this: frazzled moms and dads with hearts of gold, juggling sticky fingers and diaper changes while trying to find a little romance on the side. Oh boy, these brave souls are superheroes in disguise!

First off, we have the "Time-Strapped Tina." This wonder woman barely has time to breathe between school runs and soccer practice.

She’s looking for someone understanding enough to join her chaotic circus because she knows life is never dull when you’re raising mini-humans.

Next up is our very own "Heart-on-Her-Sleeve Harry." He’s a loving dad who wears his emotions like badges – sometimes even oversharing about his parenting adventures. But hey, what can I say? Honesty is key when it comes to finding that special someone willing to embrace both him and his adorable munchkins.

And let’s not forget our beloved "Been There Done That Betty." She’s been through it all – marriage, divorce, custody battles – you name it!

Now she’s ready to give love another shot but wants somebody who understands her unique situation without causing any extra drama (because trust me folks, there’s already plenty).

Oh yeah baby, these single parents aren’t just swiping left or right for kicks and giggles; they’re searching for genuine connections amidst spit-up stains and sleepless nights. So if you stumble upon one of their profiles on your favorite dating app or site… well hot damn! You might just be in luck ’cause they’ve got so much more than heart emojis to offer – they’ve got experience under their belts (literally)!

Now go out there with newfound knowledge my friends and swipe away like your love life depends on it (spoiler alert: it kinda does). Good luck out there in the wild jungles of online dating!

5 Useful Tips For Dating Apps For Single Parents

Sure! Here are 5 tips for single parents who want to use dating apps:

  1. Be upfront about your parental status: Mention in your profile that you’re a single parent. This will help filter out individuals who may not be interested in dating someone with children, saving you time and potential heartbreak.

  2. Choose the right platform: Look for dating apps that cater specifically to single parents or have a large user base of like-minded individuals. Platforms such as SingleParentMeet and eHarmony can offer better chances of finding compatible matches who understand the challenges of parenthood.

  3. Share photos that reflect your lifestyle: Include pictures that showcase your life as a parent, whether it’s spending quality time with your kids or engaging in family-friendly activities. This helps potential matches get a glimpse into your world and shows that you’re proud of being a parent.

  4. Take it slow when introducing your children: It’s important to prioritize your child’s safety and emotional well-being. Only introduce them to someone you’ve been dating for a while and feel a genuine connection with. Gradually involve your date in your child’s life to ensure compatibility and mutual understanding.

  5. Prioritize communication and understanding: Being a single parent can be demanding, so find someone who is patient, understanding, and willing to accommodate your schedule. Effective communication ensures both parties are on the same page regarding expectations, boundaries, and the involvement of children.

Remember, online dating should be an enjoyable experience, so stay positive, trust your instincts, and don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. Good luck!

How Do We Rank Dating Apps For Single Parents?

So, picture this: you’re a single parent, juggling all the responsibilities that come with raising little humans while desperately yearning for some adult conversation. Enter dating apps for single parents – your virtual ticket to finding love (or at least a decent chat) amidst the chaos. As an online dating expert and self-proclaimed cupid’s right-hand person, let me spill the beans on how my team and I reviewed these glorious apps.

First things first, we knew we had to get down and dirty by testing both free and paid versions of these platforms. Why? Well, because who doesn’t love a good bargain? We wanted to see if shelling out those extra bucks was worth it or just another case of "love don’t cost a thing." So there we were, swiping left and right like our lives depended on it.

But wait! Swiping alone wasn’t enough – that would be way too easy.

We decided to go undercover as regular users looking for meaningful connections (cue dramatic music). And yes, before you ask – catfishing is not in our job description! Instead, we spent ten days sending messages back and forth with other users; no bots or cheesy pick-up lines allowed!

In those ten days of message marathons where sleep became but a distant memory (#TeamNoSleep), guess how many conversations we initiated? Brace yourself: over 200 chats were fired off into cyberspace! That’s right folks – two hundred chances to find true love… or have our hearts brutally crushed by unanswered messages sobs.

Now hold onto your hats because here comes the fun part: analyzing every nook and cranny of these apps like Sherlock Holmes on speed-dating night. From user interface design to profile customization options – nothing escaped our eagle-eyed scrutiny.

We even went deep into privacy settings because hey, protecting personal information matters when you’re dealing with adorable mini-humans.

But the cherry on top of our review sundae is the commitment we bring to the table. Unlike other run-of-the-mill review sites that offer nothing more than a swipe left or right verdict, we go above and beyond for you, dear reader. Our in-depth reviews are like a treasure map leading you straight to your potential soulmate – okay, maybe not that dramatic, but close enough! We believe in giving you all the information necessary to make an informed decision about which dating app suits your single parent lifestyle best.

So there you have it – our secret recipe for reviewing dating apps for single parents. Swiping through both free and paid versions, firing off over 200 messages while sacrificing sleep (and potentially sanity), analyzing every feature with Sherlock-like precision, and delivering in-depth reviews that set us apart from the rest.

Now if only love came with a magic formula as foolproof as ours…


In conclusion, single parents, rejoice! Dating apps have come to your rescue like a superhero in spandex tights. These digital matchmakers understand the challenges you face juggling diapers and date nights. They’ve got your back when it comes to finding compatible partners who swipe right on both you and your adorable munchkin.

Sure, not every app is created equal, so choose wisely. Look for those that offer features specifically tailored for single parents – filters like "kid-friendly," "understands tantrums," or even "brings snacks.

" And hey, don’t forget about safety! Opt for platforms with robust security measures because we all know how much Mama Bear (or Papa Bear) loves protecting her cubs.

So go forth into the wild world of online dating armed with these fabulous apps designed just for you amazing solo warriors. Remember: love may be unpredictable but finding someone who understands the beautiful chaos of parenthood doesn’t have to be as hard as assembling IKEA furniture! Happy swiping, fellow super-parents!


1. Where to find safe dating apps for single parents?

Hey there! As an online dating expert who’s been in the shoes of single parents, I totally get your concern about finding safe dating apps. My top recommendation would be to check out well-known platforms like eHarmony and Match, which have robust safety measures in place and a large user base. Another great option is SingleParentMeet, a platform exclusively designed for single moms and dads looking to connect with like-minded individuals. Happy swiping!

2. Are dating apps for single parents legit?

Absolutely! Dating apps for single parents are absolutely legit. They provide a convenient platform for busy single moms and dads to connect with like-minded individuals who understand the responsibilities of parenting. These apps offer a supportive community, efficient matching algorithms, and an opportunity to find love while balancing the demands of raising children.

3. How to choose legit dating apps for single parents?

Hey there! When it comes to picking legit dating apps for single parents, you wanna look out for a few key things. First off, check if the app has a good reputation and positive reviews from other single parents – that’s always a good sign. Secondly, make sure the app offers features specifically designed for single parents like filtering options based on parenting status or compatibility with kids. Lastly, go for an app that prioritizes safety and privacy measures because your peace of mind matters too!

4. How to make a profile on dating apps for single parents?

Hey there! When creating a profile on dating apps for single parents, it’s essential to showcase your authentic self. Start with an inviting bio that highlights your personality and parenting experiences. Don’t forget to include some cute pictures of you and your kiddos – after all, they’re a big part of your life too!