Sober Dating Apps

  • Ashley Madison – Best for individuals seeking discreet extramarital affairs or non-monogamous relationships.
  • ALT – Best for individuals who are seeking a non-traditional dating experience and are open to exploring alternative lifestyles and relationships.
  • Zoosk – Best for individuals who are looking to explore a wide range of potential matches and prefer the convenience of online dating.
  • Recon – Best for busy professionals who are looking for a convenient and efficient way to meet like-minded individuals for dating and potential relationships.
  • OurTime – Best for individuals over the age of 50 who are looking to connect and build meaningful relationships with like-minded singles in their age group.

For those intrigued by sober dating apps, there is a multitude of exceptional alternatives beyond the aforementioned five choices. Numerous other options are worth exploring if you’re interested in connecting with like-minded individuals who appreciate sobriety. Alternatives that could pique your interest:

  • InternationalCupid
  • Fetlife
  • CharmDate
  • Victoria Milan
  • Badoo

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Alright, folks, let’s dive straight into the world of sober dating apps and find you the best option to swipe right on! Now, I get it. Choosing from a sea of dating apps can be as daunting as trying to pick out the perfect outfit for a first date. But fear not, my lovelorn friends, because your friendly neighborhood dating guru is here to help!

First things first: ask yourself what you’re looking for in a sober dating app. Are you seeking true love? A casual fling? Or maybe just some good old-fashioned companionship? Knowing your intentions will help narrow down your options.

Now, when it comes to choosing an app that caters specifically to sobriety enthusiasts like yourself, there are a few key factors to consider.

The most important one being…drumroll please…the user base! After all, what good is swiping if there aren’t any potential matches who share your enthusiasm for staying off the sauce?

Take some time exploring different platforms and see which ones have active communities of like-minded individuals. Check out their profiles (not in a creepy way) and see if they seem genuine or about as real as those abs on Instagram models.

Another crucial factor is functionality – how easy is it to navigate through these apps without pulling your hair out in frustration? You want something intuitive and user-friendly that won’t make you feel like you need a degree in rocket science just to create a profile.

But hey now, don’t forget about aesthetics! We all know looks matter when we’re browsing through potential dates (no shame here). So choose an app with clean visuals that pleases both your eyes and heart simultaneously – kind of like finding someone who’s hot AND has substance!

Last but not least (cue dramatic music), take into account any special features each app offers. Some might have nifty tools like icebreaker questions or compatibility quizzes that could potentially save you from awkward first dates with people who think cilantro is an acceptable topping on pizza. Spoiler alert: it’s not.

So there you have it, my friends! The secret formula to finding the best sober dating app. Just remember to keep your expectations realistic and approach this whole online dating thing with a sense of humor – because let’s face it, we’re all just fumbling our way through this crazy maze called love.

Now go forth and conquer those apps like the romantic warriors you are! Swipe left, swipe right, but most importantly, swipe wisely. Happy hunting!

Why Are Sober Dating Apps So Popular Now?

So you’re swiping left, right, and center on those dating apps like there’s no tomorrow. But have you ever considered the wild world of sober dating apps? You know, for all those folks who prefer a night out without the liquid courage or for those who just don’t want to be surrounded by boozy buffoons.

Why are these apps so popular, you ask?

Well, let me spill the beans! For starters, they offer a safe haven for teetotalers tired of explaining why they’d rather sip cranberry juice than down shots at 2 am. Plus, it’s refreshing to connect with someone who doesn’t confuse "I’m hammered" with "I’m hilarious."

Picture this: instead of awkwardly trying to impress your date while juggling a drink in one hand and your dignity in the other (which usually ends up spilled all over), sober dating lets you focus on real connections.

It’s like finding an oasis in a desert filled with drunken mirages!

But hey now, I ain’t knocking alcohol enthusiasts or judging anyone’s preferences here – we’ve all had our fair share of memorable nights fueled by questionable decisions. So if sobriety is your cup o’ tea (or sparkling water), then give these apps a whirl – love might just be waiting for you where beer goggles aren’t required!

List Of Best Sober Dating Apps

Ashley Madison

Ashley Madison, the notorious dating platform, caters to individuals seeking discreet extramarital affairs. With a sly wink and a secret handshake, this site offers an enticing haven for those treading on the wild side of romance. Its key features include advanced privacy settings that allow users to keep their identities under lock and key, ensuring utmost confidentiality.

The advantage lies in its vast user base, providing ample opportunities to connect with like-minded souls who are ready to embark on clandestine adventures. So, if you’re itching to explore an exhilarating affair without leaving behind any digital breadcrumbs, Ashley Madison might just be your undercover cupid.

Sober Dating Apps


ALT is a wild ride in the dating world, offering an alternative experience for those seeking something outside the vanilla realm. This edgy dating site/app caters to individuals looking for BDSM, fetish play, and kinkiness galore! With its diverse user base and extensive search options, finding your perfect match with ALT is as easy as sliding into leather pants.

Get ready to explore a plethora of sexy profiles, engage in steamy conversations, and delve into the realm of unbridled desire. So, if you’re tired of conventional dating platforms, give ALT a whirl and unleash your inner Fifty Shades fantasy!

Sober Dating Apps


Zoosk, the dating app that’s got some serious game! This digital cupid boasts a slick and user-friendly interface that’ll have you swiping and chatting in no time. With its smart algorithm, Zoosk learns your preferences better than your nosy neighbor knows your business. It offers a range of unique features like Carousel, where you can quickly browse through potential matches, and Super Send, which lets you make a bold move with a single click.

Plus, Zoosk’s large user base means more fish in the sea, increasing your chances of finding that special someone. So why waste precious time? Dive into Zoosk and let the love frenzy begin!

Sober Dating Apps


Recon, a dating app that’s got its game on point! This bad boy is all about catering to the kinksters and fetish enthusiasts out there. With its sleek interface and user-friendly design, they’ve managed to create a safe space for those with alternative tastes to connect and explore. The key features? Well, how about customizable profiles, wickedly detailed search filters, and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals?

Oh, and did I mention the advantage of their event listings? It’s a goldmine for finding local munches and parties! So if you’re ready to dive into the wild world of kinks, Recon is your ticket to pleasure-town. Get ready to unleash your inner freak!

Sober Dating Apps


OurTime is a dating site that caters specifically to the needs of mature singles who are ready to mingle. This platform boasts a bunch of key features that make it stand out from the crowd. Firstly, it’s super user-friendly, making it a breeze for those less tech-savvy folks to navigate. With its advanced search options, you can filter potential matches based on specific criteria, like hobbies or interests.

Plus, they offer chat and messaging features to keep the conversation flowing smoothly! The best part? OurTime understands the importance of safety and security, ensuring a worry-free experience for all love-seekers out there. So, give it a whirl and find your silver fox or cougar today!

Sober Dating Apps

Pros & Cons Of Sober Dating Apps

Sober dating apps offer a unique platform for individuals seeking romantic connections without the influence of alcohol or drugs, promoting healthier relationships and compatibility based on shared lifestyles. However, these platforms may have a limited user base compared to mainstream dating apps, making it more challenging to find potential matches in certain areas.

  • – Focused on shared interests: Sober dating apps create a community of individuals who prioritize sobriety and healthy lifestyles, ensuring that you connect with like-minded individuals who understand and support your journey.

  • – Safe space for recovery: These apps provide a safe environment where people in recovery can feel comfortable discussing their experiences without fear of judgment or temptation. It fosters an atmosphere conducive to building meaningful connections based on mutual understanding and respect.
  • – Eliminates alcohol-related pressure: By removing the focus on drinking from the equation, sober dating apps alleviate the pressure often associated with traditional dating scenarios centered around bars or parties. This allows for more authentic conversations and connection-building based on genuine compatibility rather than relying on social lubricants.

  • – Increased accountability: Sobriety-focused platforms promote honesty and transparency as users are encouraged to share their stories, struggles, and successes related to addiction recovery.

    Such openness helps build trust among members while fostering a supportive network built upon empathy, encouragement, and personal growth.

  • – Unique bonding opportunities: Engaging with others in similar stages of sobriety creates opportunities for profound emotional connections rooted in shared experiences. Sobriety-based activities organized through these apps also offer unique date ideas that don’t revolve around alcohol consumption but instead emphasize fun sober activities such as hiking, art classes, or wellness workshops.
  • – Limited user base: Sober dating apps often have a smaller pool of users compared to mainstream dating apps, which can limit your options and potential matches.

  • – Lack of diversity: Due to the limited user base, you may find that sober dating apps lack diversity in terms of age range, interests, or geographic location. This can make it challenging to find someone who truly aligns with your preferences.
  • – Stigma and judgment: Unfortunately, some individuals still stigmatize those in recovery or living a sober lifestyle. Using a dedicated sober dating app may expose you to potential judgment from others who don’t understand or respect your choices.

  • – Potential for relapse triggers: While many people in recovery successfully navigate online dating without any issues, using a sober dating app might inadvertently expose you to profiles or conversations that could trigger cravings or temptations for substance use.
  • – Limited features and functionality: Compared to more popular mainstream platforms, sober dating apps may have fewer features such as advanced search filters or messaging options. This can impact the overall user experience and make it harder to connect with potential partners effectively.

How Do We Rank Sober Dating Apps?

So, you want the lowdown on sober dating apps? Well, let me tell you, my team and I have put in some serious legwork to bring you all the juicy details. As online dating experts, we take our job seriously (well, as seriously as one can when swiping left and right becomes a daily routine).

First things first – we had to dive into both the free and paid versions of these apps. We know that not everyone wants to shell out their hard-earned cash for love (or at least like), so we wanted to see if those free options could hold their own.

But it wasn’t just about signing up and browsing profiles; oh no! We rolled up our sleeves and got down to business by sending messages to other users. And when I say "we," I mean each member of my team sent a whopping 50 messages over the course of 10 days. Yeah, that’s dedication right there!

We wanted to get a real feel for how these apps worked in practice – were people actually responsive? Were they genuine or just looking for a quick hookup? Did they ghost us faster than Casper on Halloween night?

Beyond messaging fellow app aficionados, we delved even deeper into this murky world called online dating. We scoured every nook and cranny of these platforms – from profile creation processes to search filters – nothing escaped our keen eyes.

Our mission was clear: find out which sobriety-focused apps truly understood what it meant to live alcohol-free or drug-free lives. Did they offer communities where users could support each other through tough times?

Or were they simply another sea filled with fish who couldn’t give two flips about your journey?

And here’s what sets us apart from those half-hearted review sites out there – our commitment! While others may skim through an app once or twice before writing up some generic blurb, we practically moved into this digital realm for weeks on end. We wanted to make sure we weren’t just scratching the surface but diving deep into its depths.

So, my friend, if you’re looking for a sober dating app that truly walks the walk and talks the talk, look no further. Our in-depth reviews have got you covered – because when it comes to finding love (or at least someone who won’t spill wine all over your white carpet), nothing beats a team of online dating experts with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge…and maybe a glass of water or two. Cheers!


So there you have it, folks! We’ve reached the end of our sober dating app adventure. And let me tell you, it’s been quite the journey. From swiping left on boozy profiles to finding connections based on shared interests and sobriety milestones, these apps are a game-changer for those seeking love without the liquid courage.

Whether you’re newly sober or a seasoned pro in recovery, these platforms offer an oasis of understanding and support. You can ditch the awkward "Do I mention my sobriety on this date?" question because everyone here gets it.

Plus, with features like virtual meetups and icebreaker questions that don’t revolve around alcohol (gasp!), breaking the ice has never been easier.

But remember, dear readers: no app is perfect, just like none of us are either. So try out different options until you find one that suits your needs and vibes with your personality. It may take some time to find that sober soulmate or platonic pal but hey – isn’t love worth waiting for?

Now go forth into the digital dating realm armed with knowledge about these fantastic tools designed specifically for people embracing a life free from intoxication-induced shenanigans!

Good luck out there!

Cheers…with sparkling water only, Your friendly neighborhood online dating expert


1. Are sober dating apps legit?

Oh, absolutely! Sober dating apps are totally legit. They provide a safe and supportive space for individuals who want to connect with like-minded people on their sober journey. Plus, they offer cool features like virtual meetups and specific filters that make finding a compatible partner in the sober community easier than ever before.

2. How to make a profile on sober dating apps?

Alright, here’s the scoop on making a profile on sober dating apps. First off, be your authentic self and let your personality shine through in your bio – no need to pretend to be someone you’re not! Secondly, make sure to mention that you’re looking for a partner who shares the same commitment to sobriety as you do; it saves time by weeding out those who might not be a good match. Lastly, don’t forget to include some fun facts or hobbies that show off what makes you unique and interesting – after all, compatibility goes beyond just staying dry!

3. How to use sober dating apps?

So, when it comes to using sober dating apps, the key is to be honest about your journey and intentions right from the start. Don’t shy away from sharing your sobriety or what you’re looking for in a partner – authenticity is appreciated! Lastly, take some time to browse through profiles and make connections with like-minded individuals who understand and support your sober lifestyle.

4. What are the prices of sober dating apps?

So, here’s the deal with sober dating apps and their prices: they can vary quite a bit. Some of these apps offer free basic features, but if you want to unlock all the cool stuff like unlimited messaging or advanced search filters, you might need to shell out anywhere from $10 to $30 per month. But hey, finding someone who understands your sobriety journey? Totally worth it!